strictly my feeling and i do not intend to feel the need to explain or be
defensive. The point is to put out facts without verifying or checking out on
the existing knowledge on the same e in encyclopaedias or on the net. I wish to
just put across as facts, my raw experiences on my favourite past time, pigeons..
May be there are bigger, better facts and great amount of research done on the subject, but my
experiences are my discoveries, any ways and i love my experiences.
it goes...
Pigeons have all the normal general
feelings that humans have like, domination, jealousy, love, need for companion
etc. They keep exhibiting this all the time. Example.. The male pigeon does not
allow other pigeons in their territory to eat special foods like Putana dal... not
that they succeed and actually the dominant male ones fail to make the best use
of special food as they are busy chasing away the other pigeons. But other
pigeons very cleverly eat away with the hide and seek method. This is a great
sight to watch. The territorial rights come with the birth the male female
pigeons give in some places, like my kitchen balcony. There is just one set of
family who always give birth to pigeons in my kitchen balcony.
Pigeons do not hatch on the eggs, if
they are vaguely touched by humans, even if it is done to place them in a safe
zone. Male and female pigeons hatch in turns and most often, the entire
afternoon, it is the duty of the male pigeon to hatch and female pigeon is in
search of food. ( role reversal very dominant )
Pigeons are very choosy about their
food and they eat only specific things.
The pigeons do not eat any stuff
from my bed room balcony and this is validated by me hundreds of times. This is
very strange and amazing fact.
Their efficiency in building a
surface for hatching is most admirable as they do it in a very short time.
There definitely is a family value
for the pigeons and surely no multi partners for sex. This way they are very
They prefer raw food and not cooked
As a rule, the areas where pigeons
are predominant, crows do not come.
Most importantly, they tease humans
and they like the game of entering homes, looking at us and running away. They
are not scared of humans , but are cautious.
They are very lovely creatures and i
never wish to see them extinct like near extinct sparrows.
grew up with sparrows as part of my childhood and now i have pigeons for
company in the mornings. 3 months later, i am gonna miss this lovely creatures
as i may shift my home. If i am not shifting home, one of the key reasons would
be pigeons. They give me unconditional love and they take unconditional love.
Of course, they wait for my feed at 7 am. They wonder if sometimes i feed them
early , but never crib or cry or curse if some reason i do not feed them or
feed them late.
are thousands of gods creations, probably better than we humans.. emotional
statement but not without meaning and definitely not said out of bitterness, as
much said with love for darling pigeons.
Good one Sir :)