Friday, 4 May 2012


Pain according to me is the shift from normal, happy state of being and that something which causes disturbance inside us and can be a factor leading to depression or other forms of this illness. This is completely avoidable as we are not born to suffer or lead a life of negativity. Then why do we get involved in pain of different kinds? Who is the villian? is this  not avoidable?

The villian is the self and we get into the pain because we love it and want it . Other wise why else would we allow something like pain to get the better of us or conquer us? So what gives us pain and why do we welcome it so often? Just thought about this for quite some time and hence writing it down here.

What are the types of pain and how do they cause suffering in us ? One of the biggest pain that is caused is  by comparisions.  Others salary, somebody's home, may be even wife, car, job and just about everything which is not ours causes us lot of suffering. Basically, because most of us do not know what we want in life. How much of what gives us happiness is unknown and that leads us to compare and feel the pain. If somebody's aim is to settle down with the 2 bed room decent apartment and he or she gets it and still they are un happy, the reason is the comparision and not knowing what they want.

The list is endless.. On a simple term, if we just spend time with ourselves for few minutes every day in the morning and make points on what we want for the day and what will make us happy and then check at the end of the day, we will have few reasons to be unhappy. But this does not happen. It takes just a minute and any thing to be happy and it takes everything and all the things to be unhappy in life.

A jilted lover suffers not because he has lost his sweet heart but because of the pride being hurt. Hence it is not about the want but the attitude of not having got which causes misery. When the parents know that their kids are going to get married and go away, why does the life collapse for them? when the beloved go away on a holiday for a long time, why does everything seem lost and meaning less?  In all the cases, the happiness is always placed outside us while we just need to ensure that it stays happy and comfortable within us.

Stay with in you, keeping talk to your self, love the self most, and let every need and want be purely for the self .. Then , we all discover that, the pain , misery or the suffering never ever comes anywhere near us. Here we do not talk about egoist or altruistic... The matter is all about being in control about the self with the self. 

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